Request a GP home visit

If you or someone in your family is unable to come to the surgery because of illness, then you can request a home visit.

You can request a visit by using our online form, or by calling the surgery, and explaining your problem. We can then arrange to see the most urgent cases first.

If you are able to come to the surgery, then we would appreciate it if you could book an appointment. This is because home visits can take up to six times longer than an in-person surgery visit, so it helps the GP to see more patients if you can try to come to the surgery.

You can also bring your children into the surgery if they have a high temperature.

How to request a home visit

You can request a home visit online, or by calling us on 01373 828 330. You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.

Change or cancel a home visit

You can change or cancel a home visit online. If your home visit is no longer convenient for you, then it’s important to let us know so that we can help other patients.


To request an appointment please go to our Appointments page for further information.

If you need help when we're closed

If you need medical help when we´re closed, then you can call NHS 111 .